Grammar Test -2 (İng)


Kıdemli Üye
14 Ağu 2009
Tepkime puanı

1- Family rifts rarely involve the transgressions of just one person. In most disputes .......... the participants
share .......... degree of blame.
A) every of / a little
B) all / some
C) each / plenty of
D) whole / enough
E) some of / too many

2- In the office there was........... noise that I couldn't focus on my work.
A) very much
B) enough
C) so many
D) so much
E) too much

3- He made ............... noise about the poor food in the restaurant and decided not to eat anything there again.
A) too many
B) a little
C) enough
D) a lot of
E) so many

4- There is some meat in the refrigerator. Let's consume it because it has been for ............. a long time there.
A) very
B) too
C) much
D) quite
E) enough

5- The two dogs were fighting over a bone............... was able to eat it because a very fierce and strong dog came and took it.
A) Each
C) Some
E) Enough

6- In the construction of the building ............. sand was mixed with cement to make concrete.
A) several
B) a number of
C) such many
D) so many
E) a large quantity of

7- Sand has been used in large quantities in the building, so I won't be surprised if it collapses after.............. earth
A) every
B) too much
B) very much

8- When we run out of bread we use flour to make bread. But now we have ................ flour left.
A) very much
B) several
C) hardly any
D) too much
E) enough

9- After standing in a queue for more than two hours, I had ............. patience left.
A) enough
B) any
C) no
D) several
E) too much

10- As we were making innovations in our shop, we had to keep guard the ...........night.
A) all
B) half
C) each
D) very
E) whole

11- Instead of meeting friends for a meal, she arranges to walk or go bike riding with them. There's not enough time in her day for a social life and exercise. This is a nice way to have.............
A) neither
B) each
C) both
D) either
E) too

12- It is important to understand how the kidneys function. The two bean-shaped organs,................ about the size of a
fist, house an elaborate filtering system that processes about 200 quarts of blood - the equivalent of 500 cans of soda - daily.
A) every
B) each
C) some
D) neither E) none

13- Of their three daughters, I find Jane the .......... beautiful one of them.
A) very much
B) much more
C) enough
D) too much
E) most

14- My aunt gave birth to healthy twins last night........... is so sweet.
A) Both
B) Each
C) All
D) Whole
E) Either

15- We are really happy to hear that the acoustics of the hall we are going to hold our conference in ...............excellent.
A) has been
B) were
C) is
D) have been
E) is to be

16- Phonetics ........... the study of speech sounds and their production.
A) are
B) has been
C) is
D) was
E) have been

17- When the military .............. control in :country, democracy can not be mentioned any longer.
A) is taking
B) have taken
C) are taken
D) was taking
E) has taken

18- Do you see ......... boy playing over there? He is ......... one who broke my car's windscreen yesterday.
A) a/-
B) the/the
C) the/-
D) -/the
E) a/the

19- .......... Inca was .......... civilisation .........
people of which were more cultivated than any other civilisation of that time.
A) -/a/the
B) The/a/-
C) An/the/the
D) -/the/a
E) The/-/-

20- Mercedes Benz and Lexus have ......... developed systems that send out radar beams to detect the car in front and adjust your speed before you get..........
A) so / so
B) more / much
C) each / little
D) both / too
E) none / enough

21- You can try .......... of these two dishes; they are.......... delicious.
A) one / either
B) neither / all
C) both / all
D) both / either
E) either / both

22- When I decide to take rest on a weekend day, my twins become a great hindrance. .............. of them insists on
going to the zoo with me.
A) either
B) both
C) all
D) neither
E) every

23- ............. of the complaints were taken into account, but not............ of them.
A) Several/all
B) Plenty / the whole
C) Every / some
D) Most / a majority
E) Some / a number

24- Nowadays we have .........things to do than we used to.
A) so many
B) several
C) too many
D) a lot more
E) far many

25- I tried the two alternatives you told me. Unfortunately, ......... of them worked.
A) both
B) all
C) either
D) some
E) neither


1 B
2 D
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 E
7 E
8 E
9 C
10 E
11 C
12 B
13 E
14 E
15 D
16 C
17 B
18 B
19 A
20 D
21 E
22 A
23 A
24 A
25 E